Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pumpkin Brownies.

Only 2 ingredients.  That's right, only 2, unless you add the toffee on top--which I did.  These are the most moist brownies I've ever seen. They don't taste like your regular brownies, but they are still very good

You can check out the recipe here. I'm not going to repeat it since it is so easy, but I just wanted to get the word out about these. Here's how they looked coming out of the oven

Check out how dense they are!  They are very moist and were even better the next day, really!  You have to try these out.  I served them with Cool Whip Free, and it was wonderful!

These are about 145 calories and less than 3 grams of fat.  It tastes like you're really cheating, but you are being so good. Pumpkin is really good for you and adds fiber to your diet.  These are great!  

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